Common JavaScript SEO Problems: A Comprehensive Guide for Marketers

JavaScript SEO Problems



JavaScript is a client-side programming language widely used to add dynamic and interactive elements to websites. However, its popularity can lead to common JavaScript SEO problems that can negatively impact a website’s search engine optimization (SEO) performance.

As a Digital Marketing Guy, you likely understand the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) and how it impacts your site’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).

However, with the increasing use of JavaScript, many Technical SEO Guys encounter new challenges that can impact their site’s ranking. 

This article will look at the most common JavaScript SEO problems and how you can avoid them.

What is JavaScript SEO? 

This is an essential section of technical SEO, which makes it easier for the search engine to crawl and index JavaScript.

However, search Engine Optimization for JavaScript websites has significant challenges that should be followed to increase the chances of gaining higher ranks. 

Some common mistakes can be quickly resolved to ensure smooth website performance on search engines. The whole process takes place in three steps:

  1. Crawling 
  2. Rendering 
  3. Indexing 

The process begins with downloading the HTML file, extracting links, and downloading CSS files, then sharing them with the indexer. 

Next, the search engine bot will download the CSS and JS files of the web page required for rendering. 

The role of each file:

  1. HTML will define the content of the page 
  2. CSS deals with the look of the page
  3. JavaScript is the interactive section of the page

What are the common JavaScript SEO issues and their solution?

1. JavaScript-Generated Content is not Crawlable. 

One of the most common JavaScript SEO problems is that search engines may have trouble crawling and indexing content generated using JavaScript. This is because search engines typically only crawl HTML and do not execute JavaScript. 

How to fix this issue?

You can use server-side rendering (SSR) to prerender the content and make it available to search engines.

2. Poor Accessibility for Users with Disabilities 

JavaScript can also cause accessibility issues for users with disabilities. For example, if you use JavaScript to create a custom menu system, users who rely on assistive technologies such as screen readers may have trouble navigating your website. 

How to fix this issue?

You can use accessibility-focused JavaScript libraries, such as ARIA, to ensure that your website is accessible to all users.

3. Blocking Googlebot from Accessing 

JavaScript and CSS files Search engines like Google use Googlebot to crawl and index your website. If Googlebot is blocked from accessing your JavaScript and CSS files, it may have trouble indexing your website. 

How to fix this issue?

You can ensure that your website’s robots.txt file is not blocking Googlebot from accessing your JavaScript and CSS files.

4. Not using Progressive Design. 

It is a design approach that focuses on delivering an essential website experience to all users, regardless of device or browser capabilities. 

Not using progressive enhancement can lead to JavaScript SEO problems, as search engines may not be able to crawl and index your website correctly. 

How to fix this issue?

You can use progressive enhancement to ensure that your website is accessible to all users, regardless of device or browser capabilities.

5. Poor Internal Linking Structure 

It is another common JavaScript SEO problem that can negatively impact your website’s SEO performance. This is because search engines use internal links to understand the structure and hierarchy of your website. 

How to fix this issue?

To fix this issue, you can use JavaScript to dynamically update your internal linking structure, ensuring that search engines can understand your website’s structure and hierarchy.

6. Missing the HTTPS Security 

If you do not have a secure website, adding a domain name to the search engine will send users a “Not Secure” warning. This will lead the users to navigate away from the site to the search engine results. 

How to fix this issue?

  • To convert the website to HTTPS, it is essential to get an SSL certificate. 
  • This will ensure that your website follows security standards and that customer information is safe. 

6. Wrong Indexation

When a user searches for your brand name, will your platform show up? Search engines will not understand the existence of the pages if they are not indexed. 

For example, you can add the following in the Google search bar:

This will give you the count of indexed pages. 

How to fix this issue?

  • If there are no indexed pages, then add the URL to Google.
  • Even if you have certain web pages that are not indexed, update the redirects appropriately. 
  • If you view fewer pages ranking on search engines, compare them with the pages you want to rank. There are many tools to give you detailed insights into the website. 
  • Also, ensure that you have not implemented the NOINDEX meta tag or that pages are not blocked using the robots.txt file. 
  • Also, you can focus on prerender Reactjs strategies, which can enhance the indexing of the web pages. 

7. Slow page loading 

A typical website should be loaded in 3 seconds, or there will be a higher abandonment rate. The page loading speed is crucial in user experience and is included in Core Web Vitals. 

Slow loading speed is another common JavaScript SEO problem that can negatively impact your website’s SEO performance. This is because search engines use the loading speed as a ranking factor.

Google PageSpeed Insights helps to detect the issues affecting your website’s speed. 

How to fix this issue?

  • You can minify your JavaScript code and use asynchronous loading to ensure that your website loads quickly.
  • There are tools to detect the issues with your site for various devices. 
  • You can schedule monthly and weekly and identify the page speed issues on the website.

8. The Website Features are not Responding.

JavaScript will ensure your platform is engaging and attractive for the users. But it will also lead to issues for search engine crawlers to interact with the pages and indexing if you have links, buttons, or more features dependent on JavaScript. 

How to fix this issue?

  • Provide alternate solutions to enhance the performance if it’s a broken button or page feature. 
  • Building a long-term strategy will ensure the website content and functionality related to JavaScript. 
  • Make sure the priority of the website with basic features. Then add complicated features to ensure it does not hinder the performance. 

9. Unorganized Meta Descriptions 

It has 160 characters used to define the web page to the visitors. This little snippet will help the search engine to index the web pages. It is a simple JavaScript SEO feature that will ensure your content’s visibility on the page. The user will not click on the result if you have a complicated Meta description. 

How to fix this issue?

  • Run an SEO site audit to search all the web pages missing Meta descriptions. They will also provide you with a value of the page and set priorities accordingly. 
  • Evaluate the pages to understand the performance of the web pages. The higher-value pages are ranking, and the rest can be optimized. 
  • Ensure that there should always be unique Meta descriptions when your web page goes under edit, update, and change.

10. Rendering Issues 

When there are challenges to crawling the website, there are chances that your vital web pages will not even be indexed. JavaScript is a predominant language for creating a website and is crucial in boosting page rankings. 

Issues in rendering will damage your website’s look and feel on search engines. If the process is effective, it will speed up the process for the search crawlers and improve the SEO score.

How to fix this issue?

  • Reactjs prerendering or JavaScript prerender defines if the requests will be forwarded to the search engine crawler. 
  • Prerendering approach allows you to build your website with the latest JavaScript framework like Angular, React, Ember, and more. 

11. Content Duplication 

Most brands use dynamic solutions, CMS (Content Management System), SEO strategies, and more tools that lead to content duplication. This increases the confusion for the search engine crawlers and prevents them from getting indexed. 

Ecommerce stores can have multiple versions for the same URL, and the same content must appear in various languages. 

How to fix this issue?

  • Work on better rel=canonical
  • Ensure proper configuration 
  • Optimize the hreflang tags on the website.

Many support pages help in removing duplicate content. For example, some of the solutions use top-level domains and 301 redirects. Also, server-side rendering in react or other JS frameworks can help understand the shortcomings of the web page performance during the rendering process. 

The Final Tip:

JavaScript is a powerful programming language that can add dynamic and interactive elements to your website. However, it can also lead to common JavaScript SEO problems that negatively impact your website’s SEO performance.

By understanding these common JavaScript SEO problems and how to fix them, you can ensure that your website is optimized for search engines and delivers a great user experience to all visitors.


While we focus on the top technical issues in the website, we Ensure to manage SEO performance, crawlability, content visibility, indexation, and website speed. 

By implementing these fixes and best practices, you can avoid common JavaScript SEO problems and improve your website’s SEO performance. Doing so can help your website rank higher in the search and ensure smooth website performance.



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